星期日, 11月 24, 2024, 01:10 (UTC)
漢服,即漢族傳統服飾、又稱漢衣冠、華夏衣冠、漢裝、華服,是從黃帝時代至明朝末年剃髮易服前的近四千年中,漢族(華夏族)的獨特服飾體系。 漢服是華夏族獨特文化與氣質的外在體現,以交領右衽、隱扣系帶、寬袍廣袖為主要特徵。它瀟灑飄逸、道法自然,明顯區別於其它民族傳統服裝。 它是世界上幾個最悠久的民族服飾,深刻影響着東亞的服飾、禮儀、藝術、審美,以至於「中華」之「華」便是指漢服文化。
一種影響了亞洲各國的服飾體系 一套承載了漢民族驕傲的如夢霓裳 三百年前 她在血腥中無奈離去 三百年後 她在民間如星火燎原
漢民族傳統服飾——漢服 漢服地圖是一個收集全球各地積極從事漢服運動的漢服社團、漢服商家以及相關漢服機構的公共信息服務系統。主要意在幫助認識漢服的新人找到本地的漢服組織與活動。 |
漢服春晚策劃組自成立以來,得到了許多同袍的支持和幫助,從2011辛卯年到2013癸巳年,每一屆的漢服春晚,都凝聚了同袍們的智慧和汗水,我們在曲折中成長,實踐中進步,努力將晚會做到更好,我們仍有很多不足,所以,希望多才多藝的各位,不要吝惜你的才華,加入我們吧!大家齊心協力,群策群力,為全球華夏兒女獻上這一年一度的新春盛宴! 復興之路,還有很長,在這條充滿荊棘卻柳暗花明的路上,踏上你的腳印吧! |
只需要將每個需要列入目錄的文本 加上 標籤 == XXXXX ==
3. 使用站內連結
加入標籤 XXXX
I know that not all of my questions should go under this forum, but I really have a surge of inquiries that I need to put down or else I won't be able to sleep :)
OK, let try to take these one at a time...
1- Categories and subcategories. The way for creating a category is to write an article and then assign it to a cateogory through righting this in the code. Correct. The proper way to do it would be to type: (the last part is to keep the list in alphabetical order).
Is there another way to do that? I mean can I do a tree of knowlege myself instead of keeping it to the contriutors. In order to create a structured category tree, you then need to categorize your categories. Unfortunately, you can't prevent users creating new categories outside of your ideal classification, but that's the fun of being an admin ;)
2- OK, now I have several catogories, where can I see the map of their heirarchy? There is no map per se. I suggest you start by creating a "main" category and list your root categories there. To help you manage everything, there are a few special pages to help you out: Uncategorized categories, Unused categories, but it's by looking at Special:Categories that you'll find the list of all categories on your wiki. For the mapping, you're on your own...
3- How can I obtain an A-Z map for my articles? Again, no map but check out Special:Allpages
4- is there an advaned search hack for mediawiki Could you be a little more precise? And please do search and read the threads already available before posting all of your questions at once :)
5- how do I create a "disambiguation"? Basically like any other page and categorize it accordingly (). The thing is that you don't usually start out creating such pages; the need will arise when you find articles that call for it and want to use the main theme page for disambiguation. You then move the page you want to use, etc. Post back when the need arises.
6- how do I make an article redicrets to another automatically?
- REDIRECT Other article
7- is there a dedicated admin control panel? I guess there isn't, is there? When you're logged in as an admin, you have access to new special page that regular users can't see. The problem is that since you don't seem to even know the basic special pages, you may not see the difference until you go back to one of the main site with only user privileges...
8- how do I change the content of the side menus and add a new menu? MediaWiki:Sidebar : Search the forums if you need more help on the topic; it's been discussed elsewhere.
9- I followed the instructions on the adminmanual, still upload feature does not work neither on the site nor on the server on my PC. Again, search the forum and if you don't find the thread, we'll try to post it back here for you later.
10- some Eastern language this problem occurs: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat But in Arabic the link looks like this: http://ar.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D9%82%D8%B7 why does this strange string of characters appears instead of the word in Arabic? It simply means that either the browser or the version of MySQL that your wiki runs on has problems with unicode support. These are refered to as "ugly URLs" compared to the new "fancy URLs" that recognize unicode support. If you still think you have a bug, please start different threads with your different problems; it will make it that much easier to answer you and that much easier for readers who may be looking for the same information as you.
Thanks a lot You're welcome but if you don't mind my friendly advice, it's always best to have prior experience, say on Wikipedia, before trying to run the whole thing yourself if you still have trouble with the basics.
Take your time to read all the information already available here and don't hesitate to share with us how things are moving along.